LESSON 7 (86)         Sports in Kazakhstan                                                                                                                                                                           Monday, The 15th of April


Read and translate the text SPORTS IN KAZAKHSTAN (Student's Book p. 102)

По этому тексту будут задания в СОР !



Ex. 4 p. 102 (письменно в тетради!) (Student's Book)


Formative Assessment


TASK 1.    Choose the right answer:


1. I … football every day in summer.                                                   

  A) do   B) go   C) play


2. They … swimming 2 times a week.                                                     

A) do   B) go   C) play


3. My father … morning

exercises every day                                                                                                       

A) does     B) plays   C) goes


4. Where is the Glasgow School of Sport?

A) in Scotland   B) in England   C) in Russia


5. Have you got … tennis racquet?                                                                     

 A) a       B) an


6. There are … goggles and bats on the table.                                                

A) some  B) any


7. There aren’t … balls.                                                                                     

A) some  B) any


8. It’s important to drink … water when you play sport.

A) much     B) many


9. There are … flowers in the vase.                                                           

A) much     B) many


10. I live in … Kazakhstan. My native town is … Petropavlovsk.

A) the, the      B) a, an      C) --, --



Irregular verbs

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